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Micky Farber
SKM Group - Buffalo Advertising Agency - Creating results through targeted marketing.

Way back in 1986, when Halley’s Comet sailed across the sky and we rocked out to Van Halen’s new lead singer, Sammy Hagar, former sales executive Susan K. Meany started a little company called Marketing Resources of New York, which specialized in direct mail marketing. Fast forward 27 years, and you’ll find that direct mail marketing is still one of the many core competencies of SKM Group.

Direct mail campaigns reach their goals when the strategy and marketing behind them strike an ideal balance of science and creativity.  An experienced direct mail agency knows how to make decisions and implement processes that garner proven results for clients.

One of the reasons behind the success of SKM Group-executed direct mail campaigns is what we call the 40/40/20 rule. That is, the success of a direct mail effort is largely based on the following formula:  40% list/audience, 40% offer, and 20% creative messaging and format.  Simply stated – the majority of your planning time should be spent understanding who you’re mailing to (and be sure they are in the market for your product offering) and developing a strong offering (something to motivate people to respond or buy); then, spend the balance of your time making sure the creative message and format are strategically sound.

How do we accomplish this?  We delve into your customer base to really understand your audience and what compels them to not only read but act on the information you send them. After we thoroughly understand your customer base, we’ll develop a compelling offer that will motivate them to respond or take action.  Lastly, we know that a conceptually sound creative message and format help generate the best results.

We mail millions of pieces annually. Our production team can oversee as little or as much of the process as our clients want, from quoting and negotiating with suppliers and determining the best resources for the job to auditing postal receipts for accuracy.  Our process has been honed and refined over the past 27 years, and we are relentless learners.  We keep up with the latest technologies, processes and innovations in order to bring our clients the most thorough and up-to-date information. Plus, we recommend a testing structure for every job so that we learn from each campaign and put forth our best practices.  This assures our clients that behind their job are the top resources and latest techniques.

We handle direct mail work with such accuracy and precision that for some clients, that’s all we do.  While we like to do more than just direct mail, we certainly will never turn it down.

Direct mail may not be a new form of communicating with customers, but it is one that can deliver proven, measurable results that contribute directly to a company’s bottom line.

Micky Farber
Senior Vice President
Account Service & Direct Marketing

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